Monday, April 27, 2009

Food Matters

Food Matters: A Guide to Conscious Eating with More Than 75 Recipes by Mark Bittman:

An apple a day keeps the world's problems at bay?
Bittman offers a no-nonsense rundown on how government policy, big business marketing, and global economics influence what we choose to put on the table each evening. He demystifies buzzwords like "organic," "sustainable," and "local" and offers straightforward, budget-conscious advice that will help you make small changes that will shrink your carbon footprint -- and your waistline.

Other examples of apples in maps and maps on apples.


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At Saturday, May 09, 2009 , Blogger Michael5000 said...

Three reasons I don't want to live on this version of the world:

1: The big sticker on the North Atlantic kind of freaks me out.

2: Planets shouldn't have stems.

3: The continents look over-reforested, which might be OK, except that the oceans are all as eutrophied as the pond at the college I used to teach at.


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